My tips for budget tour

Tak bawa payung
Tips utk budget tour.

1- Buat research, paling kurang setahun prior departure.
2- Apply cuti, aku apply 6 bulan sebelum departure. I m not smart enough. I booked flight ticket 1 month before. I take hospital ticket, but because of my last minute booking i have to pay more.
3- Find out more information as much as you can about the place that you want to go.
4- Bawa pakaian yang simple dan tahan lasak, tak payah bawa banyak sangat just good for 1 week.
5- Toiletries, yang ni penting. Kesihatan pun kena jaga jugak. bawa hand sanitizers, baby wipes, botol air mineral. barangan basic toiletries. Skin care, bawa yang basic. Sunscreen lotion jgn lupa.
6- Ubat pun kena bawa, paling basic panadol dan vitamin C. Kalau aku kat Malaysia, aku dah ambil prophylaxis antibiotic. Susah kalau sakit kat tempat orang.
7- Sling bag yang size sederhana , good to keep money, handphone and pasport.

Well, thats all i think. Nanti kalau aku ada idea, i will add in next article.


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