Assalamualaikum WRT,
Saya terjumpa article yang saya attached dlm blog ni. Blogger ni muslim tapi akidah dia dah makin jauh. Malah, banyak blogger yang ajak dia joined critian or jadi atheis.
For all saudara saudara islamku, kita beruntung dilahirkan sebagai Muslim tapi kita ada tugas, kita kena sampaikan dakwah pada non muslim atau saudara islam kita yang dah tak percaya dgn Tuhan, sampaikan lah walau pun hanya satu ayat.
Dalam radio rodja , ada ustaz tu beritahu, jika kita tidak ada niat sedikit pun utk berdakwah maka samalah kita dgn orang Jahiliah.
Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi keteguhan iman utk kita.

From nizar's
Why did you gift me with the ability of rational thinking when you want me to believe in your unproven existence?

Why did you say that you created the world in 6 days when reality has scientifically proven to me that the world is the result of a 14 billion years process known as the big bang?

Why did you place tail genes inside me when you want me to believe that I originate from Adam and Eve?

Why did you not leave any evidence for us to believe in Noah Arc’s story when such an event should have left vast amounts of evidence behind it?

Why did you say that you are fair when in reality you are not fair at all?

Why did you create life in a way were some of us are born into a time and place were your religion is being practiced while others are born in a place and time were a different religion is being practiced? can’t you see the simple math behind the probability of a person being born into a Muslim practicing culture is more likely to practice your religion than a person who isn’t?

Why did you decide to make the majority of the two sexes in hell be women? it is either that you haven’t created us equally and fairly or you are not judging women fairly.

Why do you punish homosexuals for fulfilling their natural sexual needs when homosexuality is not an option nor a decision taken by an individual?


Why did you write your message in one language when we humans speak thousands of languages? why didn’t you create us in a way that we all speak the same language? or send to us prophets with different translations of your message?

Why did you write your message in a very poetic language when you know that you have gifted us with the ability of interpretation?

Why did you send your message only over a specific period of time? Your scripts are being misinterpreted today by extremists around the world and science is proving your message to be scientifically false, people are doubting the truth of your message more and more day after day and it’s only you to blame for this because you have created everything the way it is, don’t you think its time for you to fix your mistakes by sending us another prophet with some truth or evidence that we can rely on? plus it has been quite a while since we heard last from you!

Why did you send your prophets only to specific locations? don’t we all share an equal right of knowing the truth? specially when you will punish us with eternity in hell if we don’t believe in your message!

If you happen to exist, and this is really what you want me to do, do not blame me for not believing in you or your message, it is not my fault that I do not believe in you, if it is anyone’s fault it would be yours, you have created me as a rational person that believes in what is been proven to be true over what is claimed to be true, you have placed me in a world were your truth is being disproven day after day with physically experimental evidence.

I want to believe in you but you are not making it easy for me.


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