If Animal have facebook

If animals have Facebook, about the status of what? Here are some that have been found. But do not know what they're animals.

Dogs Poodle: going to the salon waiting for ya!

Roaches: Recently Had just survived the stamping of death, yeah!

Cow: I groped again by the master.

Cats: my child is to just 5 asking who his father. I'm confused what to answer. My own father who forgot?

Mosquitoes: I am HIV positive AIDS-boooo!

Chicken: My friends ... if tomorrow I'm not update ... means I've in cooking ... i luv u full ......

Squid: Out of ink refill nich.

Pig:I am accused of spreading the flu .. Damn!

Goat: Selamat Hari Raya Haji yesterday not to be slaughtered.


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