My lappy just recovered

Bila Cathy balik dari London, dia cerita tak habis habis pasal royal Brampton. Aku kian resah pasal IELTS. Hopefully soon, I can process the paper. Vk and Vyett will take the Exam In British Council di Cuartest Embassy. dan aku masih belum bergerak. Mengenangkan aku trauma dengan banyak kali failed. AKu dah fikir option lain camner nak pass.
Rachel suggest, ambik di India atau Pakistan sebab senang sikit. Bukan cheating tapi saingan lebih rendah jika dibanding di Saudi ataupun Malaysia.
I m so eager now to step new live in new country, perhap I cant do something better and meaningful for my future life.
What is my target before reach 40( dont ever say Old) Working In Uk, Marry to wise guy and proceed for degree( menemaniku buat degree, sound great).


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