New Year bersama Kulaib

New Year eve disambut di tempat kerja. Ramai colleagues attending new Year party dan aku struggle dgn Patient aku Kulaib. Kulaib berumur 9 moth, very complicated congenital heart disease. Dokotrs semua dah decide Utk DNR( Do Not Resusitation) tapi waktu aku jaga Kulaib, dia masih active Code. Dia terlalu nazak. Tubuhnya Odematous. Blotted dengan air.

Malam berikutnya, Kulaib makin teruk, expecting he will be going my time. I told to Kulaib. Be strong baby, This is wild world but still the best place to live but If You go now, You straight to heaven. I keep talking to Kulaib, in Judgement day , Please tell Allah SWt, Noriah was taking of me when I sick so, let her enter the Jannah.

I have great Night with Kulaib. 3 nights in the row. At last, He depart from this world on 2.01.09 at 2000hour. Allah love him.


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